Tuesday 4 September 2007


Doodlearth workshop. ‘Designersblock: Illustrate’ September 14th – 23rd. Open daily 10:00 – 19:00. Free Entry. Holloway Road Tube.
Highbury Studios, Hornsey Street, London N7

Squint Opera (www.squintopera.com), Serge Seidlitz & Debut Art have collaborated to create a cityscape animation. This film is the first phase of the Doodlearth project. During ‘Designersblock: illustrate’ in Holloway the film will be screened onto a canvas. As the film progresses the public will add their drawings and doodles to this canvas in order to create 6 paintings inspired by the projection's progression. The same process will take place in different parts of the world to create new landscapes of doodles, creativity and art. In the near future Doodlearth will be an illustrated, internet community, using cutting edge technology to create a virtual environment which invites people to upload images (hand drawn, digital, collage….) into an online environment. We are interested in the happy mistakes and the unplanned. We are interested in people’s interpretations of their environment. We are interested in creating energetic artwork on the spot; artwork that is born in the conceptual space between our own projections and the creativity of the public. We want the different illustrative styles appearing next to each other to reflect the multitude of styles and languages that reflect the beautiful chaos of today's modern cities. The work will grow and take on a life of its own as the piece travels from destination to destination, image makers from the cities we visit will be adding to the work, and viewing work done in other cities. This work will be then displayed online at www.doodlearth.com